Thank you Doctor Diksha for your guidance regarding delivery and labor. You inculcated the feeling to be happy in every moment of labor, delivery and pregnancy. You emphasized on reaching out to hospital staff in advance that would improve the labor experience.
I am grateful to you for your cooperation and being present at times when needed even at a short notice. Your labor contraction exercises were really effective in experiencing natural labor contractions and reaching to hospital in a happy frame of mind during delivery.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you for starting purple nest and helping people experience pregnancy and delivery joyfully
You are a friend indeed now.
Shruti Tantia
-Shruti Tantia, Proud Purple Nest Mom of Baby Dhruvika
Taking pre natal classes from Dr. Diksha was one of the best decision me and my husband made. She’s the one who prepared me for a normal delivery and calmed me by clearing all my doubts. Her way of explaining things is so simple yet convincing.
I highly recommend her sessions to every expecting couple.
Thanks a lot Dr. Diksha, you have been a blessing.
-Pooja Asija Maggu, Proud Purple Nest Mom of Baby Dharv
Dr. Deeksha was heaven-sent for me at the time when my delivery was due in around a month..i had hundreds of questions and worries..she helped me in solving each one of them..she made my birthing concepts so clear that by the time of delivery all the fear was absolutely gone..my delivery team was appreciating me for the way i could cooperate with them..all credit goes to you..many thanks for making this experience so beautiful..and special thanks for the birthing ball..it was of great help i must say..
Keep the good work up !
Loads of love and wishes !
-Palika Raina, Proud Purple Nest Mom of Baby Soham