Our Services
The first program of its kind, designed for the modern Indian woman living in the traditional household. One thing we have heard most pregnant women say is "No body told me this before I was pregnant!" or that "I wish someone had told me earlier!" In our Indian scenario, family members only have the golden things to say about pregnancy and friends will only share their horrifying stories about childbirth and care! If you were to join your hospital's antenatal program you will realise that most antenatal programs being run in the country are based on european or american methods that are rarely (if ever) adapted to the Indian culture and medical system. What's more is that most of these programs are taught by physiotherapists or other para medical personnel, some of whom are excellent without doubt, but most are not even aware about the human anatomy!!
"The Purple Nest" Antenatal & Birth Preparedness Program has been designed to fill in these gaps! Its a five to six session program. You may choose to take a single class or take two or take them all!! You have the option of joining a group session as and when scheduled in your area or ask for the program to come to your door step so that you can take it in the comfort and safety of your home! The program is taught by a specialist doctor. The program is neutral and has no ties with any hospital so it provides you accurate information and does not attempt to influence your child birth related choices!
The classes start with explaining about care during pregnancy, danger signs in pregnancy, you will learn about labour, techniques to pain free labour, child birth, and understand breastfeeding, early neonatal care, and end with a session on immunisation and infant feeding.You can learn more about the details of classes by requesting an e-brochure or booking an appointment for a trial class.
We all know breastfeeding is very very very important. But breastfeeding is an acquired art. The baby and the mother both take time to adapt to each other. On the way, the mother may face a lot of little queries or issues. From too little milk to too much milk, from retracted nipple to bleeding areola; a breastfeeding mother often needs help and medical advise. The lactation counselling team can arrange a home or hospital visit by appointment to help the mother with these concerns and assist the baby and the mother in forming the bond of breastfeeding!
The early days of parenting often come coupled with a million surprises. The crying baby and the advising neighbourhood are enough to drive anyone insane. We understand and are here to help by giving well timed home visits and help the new parents ask all their questions without leaving the house.
The Purple Nest also offers to monitor the growth of the infant by monthly home visits. The visit gives the specialist a chance to perform a physical examination of the child and offer nutritional counselling as appropriate.
If you prefer to hire a nanny for the baby, our experts can conduct a home based training for the help teaching them how to take care of the newborn baby
Every caring parent is seen being extra cautious with the new baby. Is the water clean? Is the room at right temperature? Are there germs on the floor on which my baby is going to crawl soon? The purple nest arranges for a environmental assessment of your living space, bedroom, kitchen and bath areas. . Besides air and water quality, bacterial and fungal growth in various areas of your house can also be assessed!

Every new couple stepping into marriage has a million queries regarding their options for preventing and planning their first baby. We offer private one on one session to the couple to help them understand all they need to know about contraception, natural conception and the first birth. The sessions have helped many couples in having a smoother and worry free transition to marital bliss.

Every new couple stepping into marriage has a million queries regarding their options for preventing and planning their first baby. We offer private one on one session to the couple to help them understand all they need to know about contraception, natural conception and the first birth. The sessions have helped many couples in having a smoother and worry free transition to marital bliss.
Women often put themselves last after their families, their work and their household. The purple nest
is on a mission to educate women about the health problems they face and empower them to lead a
healthier life! We conduct health workshops for women groups on diverse topics relating to their lives.
If your organisation would like to conduct such a workshop for its employees or sponsor a workshop we are doing already, contact us at +91-9999707231.